3 of 5 stars
FDR and His Enemies by Albert Fried analyzes the enemies of FDR from across the political spectrum. Though the author uses some purple prose at points and is disjointed at others, he does bring to light some important struggles between FDR those who should have been allies like leading Democrat Al Smith. He further explores and those on FDR’s far left like United Mine Workers (UMW) head John L. Lewis, a constant thorn in the president’s side. Along with the usual far right suspects like Charles Lindbergh and the “America First” movement and Antisemitic radio show host Father Coughlin, Fried tries to make a strong justification for FDR using his power to spy on, manipulate and stifle opposition. Unfortunately it falls short but it does bring to light some interesting relationships between FDR and lesser known individuals from a plethora of mass movements. For that it is to be commended.